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Unit B Quiz
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Unit B

Practice Quiz


  1. Beneath all anger is _____ or _____.  Therefore, when a patient is acting out in anger, either verbally or non-verbally, an appropriate response by a nurse would be to….(there are several things that are possible responses)


  1. In a ________ relationship, the goal is to get the patient to open up and tell about themselves. 


There are several ways to get a person to do so:

    1. ____ __________, but be sure not to burden them with too many details about yourself-it is okay to identify a common similarity briefly, but then turn the conversation back to the patient.
    2. _____ ________, by doing what you say you will do. 
    3. Be __________ .
    4. Be ___________.
    5. Don’t be ___________.
    6. ________ their cultural values.
    7. Take __________ OUT.
    8. _____ with _____ if someone is being rude or intimidating them.


  1. __________ is: non-physical traits, values, beliefs, attitudes, customs, shared by a group and passed on thru generations.


  1. ___________ is the process of adapting to another culture, usually a majority culture.  (ex.  Like moving to a new state, or new part of the country)


  1. ___________ is the process of becoming absorbed into another culture + adopting its characteristics + developing new cultural identity.  (ex. Changing religions, clubs, or groups of friends)


  1. ___________ is the belief that one’s culture is superior to others.


  1. ___________ is the sense of identification assoc with a group’s common social and cultural heritage.


  1. _____________ is the belief that all people from one specific group are the same.  (ex. All lesbians have a butch hair cut.  All auto mechanics have dirty black fingernails.  All nurses are bitches.)


  1. ___________ are mainly negative beliefs that are generalized about a group and leads to a prejudgment.  (ex. All Mexican people drive cars with horns on the hood.)


  1. ________ _____ is health care that is culturally sensitive, appropriate and competent.


  1. ________  ______________ is understanding & attending to the whole person within that person’s culture.


  1. Name some PRIMARY cultural characteristics.


  1. Name some SECONDARY cultural characteristics.


  1. Culture is more than just ________.


  1. We want to get a clear picture of a patient so that we can help them get where _____ ______ ________ ______ ______ __ __!


  1. In a hospital/nursing home setting-you CAN accommodate cultural activities or rituals as long as you can ensure 2 things:


  1. ________ and ________ are 2 of people’s most fundamental drives.


  1. __________ = the belief that there’s something outside oneself that gives meaning & purpose to life.


  1. __________ is: more than just behavior, affects ALL parts of who we are, and is in every cell of our being.


  1. ________ is a group of behaviors & rituals based on spiritual beliefs.


  1. Knowing who you are and being aware of how you see yourself is _____ _______.


  1. ________ = the psychological self


  1. ________ = the physical self


  1. _____ ______= the emotional self


  1. ______= the social self


  1. Nurses provide care for 3 types of clients:  __________, __________, and _____________. 


  1. To determine possible risks for future health problems, it is helpful to key in on _________ history.


  1. Nurses help people by looking at 4 parts of the person, name them.


  1. Anytime your physical or emotional body or mind is not doing what it’s supposed to, it is HIGHLY __________ for that person.


  1. ________ is anything that tugs on any part of a person.


  1. _______ and ________ are the 2 most common stressors of patients.


  1. When a patient tells you that they’re scared, and the nurse replies “it sounds like you’re scared”, it’s what kind of a therapeutic response?


  1. If you don’t know what to say to a patient, ______ __________!


  1. This level of anxiety is described by a heightened sensibility, easy to retain information being taught, and is a pretty healthy type of anxiety.


  1. This level causes difficulty in understanding, inability to relax, fearful expressions, can’t focus, and a severe impairment in learning.  Also causes increased heart rate & maybe hyperventilation, headache, dizziness & nausea.


  1. This type of anxiety is accompanied by feelings of doom, chest pain, and garbled speech.


  1. Maslow’s “Hierarchy” is based on ________ whereas Erikson’s theory is based on age or _____ of ______.


  1. The lowest part of Maslow is based on a person’s _________.  The top tier is one that not everybody attains, it is _____ __________.


  1. In order to move on in Erikson’s stages, one must be _________ in the prior stage.


  1. This pattern negatively enforces one’s self esteem.  An example is: a wife asks her husband “Do you want to go to my mother’s house for dinner tonight?”  This puts the husband in a ________-______ communication pattern because the husband will be in a bind-he’s going to get yelled at if he says no, and he’ll be unhappy if he does go.  He feels like he has no choice.


  1. Patients sometimes feel ____________.  Because of this, they may try to piss you off in an attempt to communicate.

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