- hemorrhoids
- c
- crohn’s disease
- to rest the bowels
- c
- peptic ulcer disease
- gastric ulcer
- gastric ulcer
- to prevent aspiration, prior to the return of the gag reflex
- hemorrhage
- b
- b
- c
- ulcerative colitis
- Sulfasalazine, 1 year
- Total proctocolectomy with permanent ileostomy
- ulcerative colitis
- yes
- False, the stool will now be liquid
- decreases! (Can’t eat, can’t spit, can’t pee, can’t
- morphine, Demerol
- total proctocolectomy with continent ileostomy
- 40% failure rate
- b
- short-gut syndrome
- inability to absorb nutrients, etc, properly
- will end up on TPN for life
- Elemental, formula containing all essential nutrients in pre-digested form
- duodenal ulcer
- left upper epigastric region, felt 1-2 hrs after meals
- right upper epigastric region, felt 2-4 hrs after meals and often during the night
- duodenal
- antacids
- true
- false
- proton pump inhibitors
- GERD, duodenal ulcers
- Carafate & Cytotec
- Carafate
- False, on empty stomach!
- True
- c
- Histamine 2 receptor antagonists, PUD, at bedtime is best
- amoxicillin
- Flagyl
- d
- false, they are both found internally & externally
- true
- pyelonephritis
- cystitis
- false-in the COLON.
- a
- it’s an auto-immune reaction
- b
- sigmoidoscopy
- double-contrast barium enema
- must make sure all the dye contrast is excreted, or could harden & cause bowel obstruction
- toxic megacolon
- hypervitaminosis
- clubbing of fingers
- c
- Immunosuppressive
- c
- duodenal
- Cytotec
- d
- high fiber/high bulk, no nuts or seeds
- too bad…70 is all you get!