1. The internal and external os is a long area between the ____ and the____w/ lots of nerves that cause pain
during labor.
* cervix and vagina
2. The ____is the top of the uterus, the ___is the main body of the uterus composed of smooth muscle.
* fundus, corpus
3. The____is the lining of the uterus and the ___is the muscle of the uterus.
* endometrial, myometrium
4. The___is a hollow,muscular, thick-walled organ that lies in the pelvic cavity between the base of the bladder
and rectum and above the vagina.
* uterus
5. The ___is an elongated portion of the uterus where the fallopian tubes enter.
* cornua
6. The ___ is the narrow neck of the uterus, meets body of uterus at internal os and descends to connect with
the vagina at the _____.
* cervix, external os
7. T or F: < 28 day cycles have more difficulty getting pregnant
due to thinner endometrial
* T
8. ___ is when the endometrial tissue gets shed outside of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and even abdominal
cavity. Tx is laparoscopic removal, but pregnancy most effective.
* endometriosis
9. ___ is an infection of the endometrium after pregnancy caused by beta strep, given PCN to treat, could
cause blindness and meningitis of the fetus.
* endometritis
10. T or F: Endometritis
is called the “career woman disease”
* T
11. The ___ ___ continues to give out Hcg until fetus is born, the ovaries secrete ___ and ___ until the placenta
is fully formed and functioning.
* corpus luteum, progesterone, estrogen
12. The pelvic ___ is from symphsis pubis to sacral promontory, the smallest area the baby will pass thru.
* inlet
13. The inlet is the upper border of the ___pelvis and is typically round.
* true
14. The pelvic ___ is a curved canal w/ a longer posterior than anterior wall.
* cavity
15. The pelvic ___is the lower border of the true pelvis.
* outlet
16. The 3 measurements of the pelvis are the ____ ___ ___.
* diagnoal conjugate, obstetrical conjugate, conjugate vera
17. The ___ ___ is from the sub pubic angle to the middle sacral promontory.
* diagnoal conjugate
18. The __ ___ is
from the middle sacral promontory to the pubic crest.
* obstetrical conjugate
19. The ___ ___ is the shortest inlet, from the middle sacral promontory to the middle of the pubic crest.
* conjugate vera
20. The ___ ___ is the largest diameter, between the ischial tuberosities
* transverse diameter
21. The most common type pelvis is rounded ____, heart shaped ____, oval ___, and flat ___
* gynoecia, android, anthropoid, platypelloid
22. A ___ ___ is regional anesthesia put into nerves located on either side of the ischial tuberosities, lasts
for 1hr, good for stage II.
* pudenda block
23. The uterus initially weighs 2oz. During pregnancy weighs ___lbs and goes from capacity of 10mL to holding
* 2.5, 5
24. ____-___ are signs of the uterus enlarging.
* Braxton-hicks
25. A uterus that is tilted back making back labor and hemorrhoids a problem is called ____, when tilted forward
called ___.
* retroverted, anteverted
26. T or F: After 20 wks the uterus rises towards umbilicus?
* T
27. The vagina has increased visualization and secretions during pregnancy and pH is ___-___.
* 3.5-6
28. Vaginal infections include: green and frothy _____, cheesy,
thick, white and odor ______, yellow and foul odor ______, and _____can cause infection in baby and requires a c-section.
* trickamonis, yeast, gonorrhea, herpes
29. T or F: most vaginal infections tx w/ PCN: least harmful to
* T
30. The ___sign is when cervix softens during early pregnancy and the ___ sign is a blue/purple color usually
seen in primiperas.
* good ells, chadwicks
31. During pregnancy the breasts increase in size due to influence of ____ which affects lactation process
and slows everything down to hold pregnancy.
* progesterone
32. T or F: colostrums is present at the 12th week
* T
33. The ____ ___ are sebaceous glands on areola that become more prominent when pregnant.
* Montgomery glands
34. The ____ ___ is the line between the naval and the symphisis pubis and ___ are “raccoon eyes”
* linea nigra, chloasma
35. During pregnancy the consumption of O2 ____, the diaphragm ____, my have SOB and nasal congestion and possible
nose bleeds (from increased estrogen).
* increase, elevates
36. T or F: During
pregnancy the heart may have a slight lateral displacement and not unusual to have a murmur.
* T
37. During pregnancy the blood volume ___, pulse rate ____ and BP ___.
* increases, increases, decreases
38. Physiologic anemia may occur due to a 40-45% increase in ___ compared to a decrease in ___, tx w/ iron.
* plasma, RBC
39. T or F: cardiac output increases 30-50% during pregnancy
* T
40. During pregnancy may be in a _____ state which increases risk of thrombophlebitis or varicosity, may be
put on ___ for 6 wks.
* hypercoaguability, heparin
41. ___ ___ syndrome is when a pregnant women feels faint and she must lie on her left side.
* vena caval
42. GI problems during pregnancy include N/V from the ___, increased salivation ___ and heartburn ____.
* HCG, ptyalism, pyrosis
43. The gallbladder smooth muscle may relax due to ____ , this may slow down peristalsis of gallbladder and
cause duct to be blocked.
* progesterone
44. ____is an itchy rash caused from retained crystals from increased estrogen.
* puritus
45. The urinary capacity is reduced during pregnancy and ureters pushed out and flattened which increase risk
of ____ ___.
* urinary stasis
46. T or F: the GFR and RPF increase during pregnancy and glycosuria
is not unusual
* T
47. The seperation of the abdominal muscles is called ___ ___.
* diastasis recti
48. T or F: BMR increases 20-25% during pregnancy
* T
49. The ____ hormone increases due to fetal calcium need.
* parathyroid
50. T or F: oxytocin and vasopressin help maintain water balance
* T
51. Gestational diabetes is checked around wk 24-28, occurs due to _____ resistance and ___ overworked.
* insulin, pancreas
52. T or F: insulin does not pass thru placenta
* T
53. As the placenta develops it produces ___ and destroys insulin b/c baby needs glucose for brain development
and needs a constant supply of glucose
* insulin-ase
54. ___ is needed to maintain the corpus luteum, the corpus luteum provides progesterone and estrogen until
the placenta takes over.
55. The ___ secretes hcg early in pregnancy until placenta formed and functioning.
* trophoblast
56. ____ main role is maintaining pregnancy and inhibits spontaneous
abortion, slows everything down.
* progesterone
57. _______ is secreted by the corpus luteum and deciduas and helps relax joints and pelvis.
* relaxin
58. _______ help initiate labor and produced by cells of endometrium.
* prostaglandins
59. Preterm labor can be stopped w/ ____, a prostaglandin inhibitor.
* indomethacin
60. Subjective signs or presumptive signs of pregnancy include?
* amenorrhea, n/v, urinary freq, breast changes, quickening, fatigue
61. Objective or probable changes of pregnancy include?
* pelvic organ changes, abdominal enlargement, Braxton-hicks, pregnancy test, palpation of fetal outline,
uterine souffle, ballottement, hegars sign, linea nigrae, striae
62. ____ ___ s the “swish” of blood going thru major vessles of uterus.
* uterine souffle
63. _____is when you push on one side of uterus and other side moves.
* ballottement
64. ____sign is the softening of lower segement of uterus.
* hegars
65. Positive signs of pregnancy?
* fetal heartbeat, fetal movement, visualization on u/s
66. Nageles rule is counted by your last missed period, subtract ___ months and add __ days.
* 3, 7
67. PARA =
TPAL (T= _______) (P=_____) (A=_____) (L= ______)
* term, prematures (20-36wks), abortions before 20wks, living
68. T or F: gravida is total number of pregnancies whether lost
or not
* T
69. Symptoms of ___include swelling of UE, severe h/a, vision changes, abdominal pains.
70. ___ is a blood test to determine if mom has PIH.
71. ___ ___ says the fundal height at 12 wks should be at the symphisis pubis and at the umbilicus at 20wks.
* McDonalds rule
72. Psychological changes of pregnancy may include ___ “I wanted to get pregnant, but not right now”
or ___when they start to exercise and eat right and stop smoking.
* ambivalence, introversion
73. A ___ is a dad
who takes on mom’s symptoms (weight gain, n/v)
* couvades
74. IUGR can lead to a baby at risk for ___.
75. T or F: a poor dietary intake or inability to absorb or utilize
nutrients can lead to a reduced blood volume.
* T
76. T or F: A reduced blood volume can result in a decrease of
cardiac output, which leads to decreased placental blood flow, which leads to reduced placental size and reduced nutrients
to the fetus, which leads to SGA
* T
77. T or F: Low hemoglobin and low RBC can reduce placenta size
* T
78. T or F: nutritional deprivation can lead to decreased fertility
and NTD during preconception
* T
79. T or F: Nutritional deprivation can lead to increased still
births and preterm babies during the 1st trimester LGA or SGA during 3rd trimester
* T
80. T or F: you should wait at least 2 years before becoming pregnant
again to regain food stores and maintain a healthy pregnancy.
* T
81. Excessive use of vitamin ___ can cause fetal abnormalities.
* A
82. A hemoglobin level of ___-___g/dl puts you at a moderate risk for anemia, and severe anemia is < ___.
* 7-11, 7
83. T or F: Preterm labor, low birth weight, perinatal mortality may result from anemia
* T
84. Anemia tx w/ iron pills and supplements of ____ to help absorption.
* vitamin C
85. Maternal tissue
need ___ to develop properly, sources include 5 eggs/wk, rice and beans, whole wheat bread, milk and cheese.
* protein
86. The goal of protein during pregnancy is to maintain a positive ___ balance that will help fetus and maternal
tissue develop. Protein is found in blood volume and amniotic fluid.
* nitrogen
87. Fat allows the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins ____, fat improves the fetal brain development, is a
source of energy, and stores are used for growth and lactation.
88. Complex carbs
are used for energy and protein used for body building, if you eat enough complex carbs then ____ is spared and prevents ____.
* protein, ketosis
89. Vitamin supplements such as ___ ___ help w/ new cell formation and prevent NTD and improve blood counts,
____helps stabilize the placenta and manufacture new RBC, __ also helps w/ RBC formation, and ___ is an anti-oxidant that
helps w/ absorption.
* folic acid, B6, B12, vitamin C
90. Fat-soluble vitamins such as ___ help w/ eye, skin, new bone, and mucous membranes, vitamin __ helps absorb
calcium and phosphorus, vitamin __ is an anti-oxidant, and vitamin __ helps w/ blood formation.
91. Minerals such as ___ help w/ cell formation and ___ which supports bone growth.
* zinc, flouride
92. T or F: pre-term baby has no iron stores in liver b/c iron
is not stored in liver until last trimester.
* T
93. Pregnant women need iron for expaned blood volume, fetal and placental requirements, and blood loss during
delivery, they need ___-__-mg every day plus vitamin ___ for absorption.
* 30-60, vitamin C
94. ___ is the eating of non-nutritive substance such as clay, ice, etc and linked to low iron stores.
95. Low ___ can lead to creatinism and mental retardation, found in salt and seafood.
* iodine
96. ___ found in beans, salmon bones, sardines, spinach, parsley and helps w/ bones and teeth, muscle action,
blood clotting, and metabolic activity.
* calcium
97. T or F: pregnant women need 1200-1500mg /day (4 glasses milk/day)
* T
98. T or F: Prevent ketosis by eating complex carbs, ketosis could
cause MR in fetus
* T
99. T or F: poor nutrition or maternal fasting leads to low blood
sugar which leads to fetal needs not being met, which leads to low blood sugar in fetus, which leads to maternal acidosis
(b/c mom breaks down fat stores to supply fetus), which leads to fetal acidosis, which may lead to fetal anomalies.
* T
100. this question was deleted d/t explicit content J