The School Age Child
- Lead Poisoning:
began in 1900's when lead was added to paint, decreased in the 50's & again in 1971 for “The Lead Paint Poisoning
Act” in 1971 which provided funding for screening
- Causes: inhalation
of fumes when houses are renovated, ingestion of led products (paints made before 1978), exposure to lead contaminated soil,
pottery, ceramics, dyes, playground equipment
retained lead largely stored in bone, during chronic ingestion the rate of absorption exceeds the rate of excretion, excess
lead is deposited in tissues & circulatory system, 90% of lead attaches to erythrocytes so even when ingestion stops the
lead is still present d/t slow excretion, children are more susceptible to lead absorption & they absorb 50% of exposed
lead, adults absorb only 10%
- Systems affected:
- Hematological System: prevents formation of
hemoglobin resulting in anemia, anemia is the initial sign of the disease, when only present in the circulatory system the
effects are reversible.
- Renal System: changes cells in the proximal
tubes resulting in abnormal excretion of glucose, proteins, & amino acids & phosphate, these effects are usually reversible
- CNS: initially there is a shift of fluid in
the brain r/t increased membrane permeability, this increase in intracranial pressure leads to convulsions, MR, paralysis,
blindness, coma, & death; there are several behavioral changes that occur first: hyperactivity, aggression, impulsiveness,
lethargy, irritability, & loss of newly acquired motor skills - not reversible in the CNS
- Diagnosis:
blood lead level test - 10mcg/dL indicates that there is lead poisoning
- Treatment:
management: use chelation therapy: removal of metal by combining it with another metal - mobilize the lead from the blood
& soft tissue by enhancing its deposit in the bone where it’s normally stored & it’s excretion in urine
- medications: chemet (Succimer) - oral &
dimercaprol - injection
- can also do blood transfusions, give iron d/t
anemia, encourage fluids to aid excretion (IV & PO fluids), educate parents & kids, give Folic Acid (to increase RBC’s),
& hospitalize child
- Growth
& Development: gradual growth between infancy & puberty which are the fastest periods of growth
- gain 2 inches/year
in height, gains 1-2 feet in height from 6-12, 4.5-6.5 pounds/year in weight, weight doubles from 6-12, child gets a little
- more graceful,
taller, steadier, limber, more agile d/t proportional changes
- Fine Motor:
print, write, musical instruments, telephone, computer
- Facial Changes:
face grows faster than head, lose teeth, face is big
increased stomach capacity & decreased calorie need, blood glucose is better maintained, eats less than preschooler d/t
food retained in stomach longer
- Immune
System: can fight infection better
- Skeletal:
ossification occurs but bones are more forgiving than in adults so fractures heal quickly
- Prepubescence:
secondary sex characteristics age 9 girls get breast buds & menses usually follows within 2 years; girls 10-11, boys around
age 12
- Freud:
Oedipal & Electra complexes, boys want to kill dad & have mom; girls want to kill mom & have dad
- Erikson:
Industry vs. Inferiority: sense of accomplishment for doing well
- egocentric,
bossy, knows everything, temper tantrums
- successful
completion leads to confidence, independence, & a sense of feeling good about self
- also begin
to search for adults to identify w/ besides parent & starts to measure parent against new role model & probably decides
that parent is a loser
- may revert
to childish behavior, craves attention & needs constant praise & encouragement
- needs constant
reassurance of worth & value & “goodness”
- peer relationships
are very important, they learn to cooperate
- are trying
to master skills, must learn to accept that they can’t master everything
- have trouble
losing, not good at losing even into the early 20's
- Piaget:
- Concrete
Operations - able to articulate a process & can perform the action mentally w/o having to act it out
- see things (begin to) from other’s viewpoints,
develop logical thought & perceive & reason
1. Conservation - matter does not appear or disappear,
physical properties are not changed by altering the way a thing appears
2. Classification - grouping objects, putting
things in order, sorting things
3. Combinational Skills - math, telling time,
& reading
- Spiritual
Development: Stage 2 - Mythical Literal - “conscience” really starting to work, may accept that there is a
God, will have their own view, pray for what they want and expect answers, can articulate their faith
- Social
Development: Peers are important, conformity is expected, early school ages mix sexes, sexes separate as they get to age
10, there is bullying,
- Family: parents
are key
- Play: team
play, play sports, want rigid rules, ego master (sense of accomplishment)
- Body Image:
girls may be ashamed around age 10 when develop breasts, prepare girls for breasts & menses
- prepare boys
for nocturnal emissions
- Sex Education:
parents are most important!! They also learn from school & peers (usually wrong)