Exam of Pregnant Woman - Head to Toe:
1st trimester:
-collect history - such as biographical data, occupation, religion, age, cultural background and marital status
- health status - nutrition, habits ( smoking, alcohol)
- Medical and Family history - chronic disease or infections, genetic disorders
- Menstruation history- date of last menstrual period, contraceptive use, estimated date of delivery
- Obstetric history - # of prev pregnancies, date and duration of previous pregnancies, type of birth
-Measurements - Weight and height, Vital signs
-pulse may increase 10-15 bpm
-resp may increase slightly
-BP while seated
- Musculo skeletal - posture, gait, back of legs for varicose veins or bluish stars
Evaluate head and eyes - brownish mottling over cheeks and forehead is normal - called cloasthma or mask of pregnancy,
eyelids may be hyper-pigmented, conjunctiva should be pink, paleness may mean anemia.
Ears - eustachian tubes may be enlarged and blocked due to increase of estrogen
Nasal - nosebleeds and congestion are common due to increase of estrogen
Mouth/gums: may be hyperemic and swollen
Neck - look for symmetry, lumps, pulsation. Have patient take sips of H2O while palpating thyroid, may enlarge due to glandular
tissue hyperplasia and vascularity
Extremities - arms and hands - erythema in hands and palms due to increased blood volumes
vascular spiders on arms and chest - more prevalent with white women than black.
Check deep tendon reflexes - brachio radialis, quadriceps
Palpate tibia to detect pitting 0-4 scale for edema
Thorax and lungs - observe resp efforts, osculate breath sounds
Heart - palpate max impulse - PMI, pt to lean forward - exhale, auscultate heart
Breast/nipples - symmetry, color, striae and venous pattern, nipples enlarge an erect and darken. Montgomery Tubercles.
Palpate breasts - normal for there to be tenderness and nodules. Squeeze nipple between index and thumb - check for discharge
Abdomen - umbilicus may appear level or protrude, peristalsis slows, BS decrease, palpate all quadrants moving clockwise
Genitalia - lathotomy position. Check for enlargement of labia and clitoris, vaginal walls relax during pregnancy and look
bluish with deep rugae. Inspect color and shape of cervix.
Nulliparous - circle shape hole, Parous - line shape. Ovaries should be almond shaped and non tender. Pelvis broadens in
preparation for delivery
Ischial spines - blunt
Pelvic walls - soft
Sacrospinal ligament - 4-5 cm long
sacrum - concave and hollow
coccyx - may move
Blood tests : Blood typing, Hemoglobin, hematocrit, Rh factor, rubella titer
Urine tests: UA and others PRN
Third trimester:
-BP will increase after falling in 2nd trimester
-wt and VS - compare to initial
-changes due to increased size of uterus, waddle, shoulders back
-check for edema, ankle clonus (jerking)
-reflexes and dorsoflex
-thorax widens at base
-resp rate may increase as fetus pushes on diaphragm
-systolic murmur - increase blood volume up to 50%
-colostrum - discharge from nipples - clear to yellow then cloudy
- striae - stretch marks
-pubis to fundus - measurements should equal gestation weeks
-palpate abdomen - relaxation and tension
-Lie - relationship of mothers spine to that of fetus
longitudinal - spine to spine
transverse - perpendicular
oblique- angle between perpendicular
- cephalic - head first
-breach - butt first
-compound - more than one
landmarks on presenting part - O (occipital)
side of pelvis landmark faces - L (left)
direction of landmark faces in pelvis - P (posterior)
Leopolds maneuver - face client, determine lye, presentation, position
FHR- fetal heart rate = 160-170 bpm in early pregnancy
110-160 near term