This is a helpful quiz. All of the answers can be found in your notes or the Fundamentals of Nursing book...
- List 6 ways of collecting data during the Assessment process.
- What is assessed for in the Neurological assessment?
- In the Circulatory assessment?
- In the Respiratory assessment?
- In the GI assessment?
- In the GU assessment?
- Name 3 things that may be observed about a person’s culture?
- Name the 4 types of Assessments:
- A nursing assessment helps to focus on a patient’s ____________ to a health problem.
- Symptoms and things a patient says are what type of data?
- Signs, and what is detected by observation & testing
are what type of data?
- A systematic, rational method of planning and providing
nursing care is the definition of _______________________?
- _______________ based nursing practice uses recent research findings in developing clinical practice and clinical decision-making.
- Name the five steps in the Assessment process:
- Name some resources you would use to collect data?
- Putting data into categories and identifying any gaps is part of which step in the Assessment?
- In reporting data, report only things which appear ____________. Do not report your own judgements or opinions.
- What is the PRIMARY purpose of Assessment?
- What is the second step in the Nursing Process?
- An accurate diagnosis depends on ____________________________________.
- Name 3 types of assessments which are done:
- Name 5 things which are a result of errors made in diagnosis:
- Name the 3 types of Diagnoses:
- What is the organization who determines the list of Nursing Diagnoses?
- Nursing Diagnoses are ______ ________ about individual, family, or community
responses to ________ or ___________ health problems or life processes. They provide the basis for selection of ________
_____________ to achieve outcomes for which the nurse is accountable.
- _________ diagnoses
require the expertise of a physician and usually refer to problems with ________ or __________ .
- __________ diagnoses
are those patient problems that can be helped by both medical and nursing interventions.
They usually start with the terminology “potential complication.”
- A Nursing Diagnosis is written as a ___ -part statement. Name the parts and where you would get them from.
- Which type of diagnosis is only a 2-part statement?
- Name the 2 parts from #29 and where the information comes
- What is missing from the 2-part statement above and why
is it missing?
- What is the reasoning for writing the 2-part statement? What is your goal?
- Guidelines for writing nursing diagnoses say not to write
them in certain ways, name 6 ways.
- Don’t write a nursing diagnosis on something you
can’t ___________.
- What is the 3rd step in the Nursing Process?
- What is happening during this process?
- What is always the #1 goal of the 3rd step
of the Nursing Process?
- What are some characteristics of your expected outcome/final
- Name the 2 types of outcomes/goals?
- When writing an outcome/goal, what are some of the criteria
you would include?
- Name 3 measurable verbs.
- What are 3 types of outcomes you wish to see?
- When writing Nursing interventions, make sure they are __________ and that they ______
________ to YOUR patient.
- When writing nursing interventions, it is important that it is as ________ as possible.
Leave no room for error or misinterpretation.
- When determining a nursing intervention, you would look
to the ___________ part of the nursing diagnosis.
- What is the final product of the Planning stage, which
must be produced for JCAHO to show evidence that the nursing process has been used?
- What is the 4th step of the Nursing Process?
- This step is the act of getting it _______.
- Name the 3 types of nursing roles/actions:
- Name 2 things you look at when you begin thinking about Health Teaching?
- Important quote to remember: IF IT’S NOT ____________ IT WAS NOT
- When doing interventions, be sure to document the patient’s _________ to the intervention.
- Always draw a line through ______ _______ on the chart as a safety precaution for you so that nothing can be inserted
or written in.
- Do this to your entry if you make an error: ________________________
- Name the 5th and final step in the Nursing
- What types of things are done during this process?
- Name the 3 possible results in the final step:
58. The ANA is the group who oversees the nursing ______________ ___ ___________.
Thank you Sara for making this quiz and sharing it with me!
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